Tuesday, November 01, 2005

One Year Anniversary

So, the webpage isn't a year old, but it has been one year at the new server. So some numbers are in order. Starting in August of this year, the webpage began to be promoted heavily. Up until this point, visits fluctuated between mid two hundreds to low six hundreds a month. But in August, we got thirteen shy of three thousand, in September it went to just under four thousand, and in October we busted to 6,149! A nice trajectory has developed and, by our calculations, in a year, we should have somewhere between one hundred twenty thousand and four million hits a month. Suffice to say, this is a history page and not a math site.

So in ascending order, we shall list the most popular ten readings for the month of October:

10. African History in the Service of the Black Liberation by Walter Rodney. It will be our objective to get more Walter Rodney in the top ten for the next month.

9. Black Hawk.

8. Frantz Fanon

7. George Jackson's interview got 100.

6. Strange Fruit.

5. The Revolution will not be Televised.

4. Zinn on the FBI.

3. Fred Hampton!

2.Langston was added mid-month and still got second.

1. Far and away our most popular reading was probably because of some sort of recent holiday.

So there you go and there you are.


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