Quoted post
HIAW's blog rarely quotes other Blogs. We're just not into quoting blogs. In fact, this may be the first time we quote another blog, but you'll know why when you read this excerpt from Urban Guerilla's latest post:
Amen, brother, Amen!
The other topic I would like to mention today is directed to Morgan Freeman, Denzel Washington, Don Cheadle, Samuel L. Jackson, Martin Lawrence, Will Smith, and virtually every major Black actor in Hollywood. I know, I'm revealing who some of my celebrity readership is, but I feel that this transcends my readers' privacy. I heard Dave Chapelle recently put forth a conspiracy theory that white Hollywood execs have been working to put every male Black actor in a cross-dressing scene to emasculate them. While I won't debate the merits of such a theory, nor the questions of heterosexism both on the part of Chapelle and on the part of white execs, I have what I believe is a more pressing matter to discuss.
Dear Black actors of Hollywood, please, for the love of Marcus Garvey and all that is Black and Beautiful, STOP PLAYING LAW ENFORCEMENT. Every single one plays law enforcement, and often that is their most common role, typecast, or otherwise. Even worse, most have played Black law enforcement or private detectives who were focused on saving WHITE CHILDREN! What the fuck is going on in Hollywood? This is a phenomenon I have noticed for a good number of years, and it hasn't peaked yet. These are stars, who I assume have something of their pick of roles, so please stop playing law enforcement.
Amen, brother, Amen!
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