Will Bradley Roland RIP
I write the headline Will Bradley Roland is dead, but it doesn't feel right. Brad is dead. Brad, quick to film, loud laugher, hugger, would call me to borrow equipment. He was just "Brad," just one name. Brad was radical, he would sometimes get on my nerves, but mostly because he reminded me of my brother. Brad is dead. No, Brad was murdered in Oaxaca doing what he did: reporting for Independent Media. Brad, tall gangly guy, activist, sharp, goofball smile, dead man. Brad was murdered. I called a mutual friend and he pointed out, resigned, that Brad died doing good work. Part of me knows that there are journalists murdered all over the world, killed for reporting what is happening, and that Brad is only the latest in a long line, from Ruben Salazar shot down by the LAPD in LA to Al-Jazeera in Iraq being bombed by the US military. Why should Brad be excepted from that? Brad is part of that line now. That understanding doesn't change the fact that Brad should be alive right now. Brad RIP.

What you said.
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