Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Cheney receives political re-education; sees error of past ways

Vice-Scum Cheney was visiting a base in Afghanistan and somebody suicide bombed outside and Cheney wasn't physically injured in the slightest. What is the New York Times headline? "Cheney OK After Explosion in Afghanistan" Excuse me, since he was more than a few rungs down from anything resembling "ok" before the explosion (usually hovering between evil overlord and god of death), how did he become "OK" after the explosion? Was it an explosion of South End Press books and subscription forms to Left Turn and Z? Was there some sort of sonic shift that altered his brain to render the evil disabled? Did he reflect on our common mortality and have an epiphany on his place in the world?
Frustratingly enough, the article makes no mention of any of these possibilities. Which leads me to believe that Cheney was not "OK" after his blast. Perhaps a mopre apt headline would've been: "Evil uninterrupted by bombing."

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