We've Got Presents!
We've added Walter Rodney's The Struggle Goes On. This speech is among several of the last speeches that Rodney delivered and all are long out-of-print. Fortunately, we came across three very good editions and hope to have the other two online soon. The other two are "People's Power, No Dictator" and the last is "Sign Of The Times." These essays/speeches, for the most part, address the people of Guyana and Rodney and the Working People's Alliance's idea for political action. For this reason, they are not perhaps the first things that people new to Rodney should check out. In my opinion, that would be the two books "How Europe Under Developed AfrIca" and "Groundings with my Brothers" and his work on HIAW like "African History in the Service of the Black Liberation" and A Selection From Walter Rodney Speaks: the Making of an African Intellectual". Nonetheless, there are certain kernels in The Struggle Goes On. One quote:
"And there is another reason why assassination is not within our political textbook. And that is because assassination is the act of one man — any one man can assassinate a leader. But only the people can make a revolution! (Applause). And the day has to come when the real revolution will begin — the revolution in the economy, the revolution in the society, the revolution to bring us back to a level where we can hold our heads up high."
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