Introducing Documentary Is Never Neutral
I know, I know. You love HIAW, but you wish it offered more in line with your desire to make political documentaries. Well, the time has come for your whining, complaining, and random threats to cease. We're introducing our sister project: Documentary Is Never Neutral!
Before all of you get too excited, we're still in the early stages. HIAW, popular as it is, took several years to get to this level; hopefully, DINN will be go from zero to 60 in less time, but it will still take time. So, if you make left media, throw us a link. If you know someone who makes left media, email them about it. If you have material you think would fit in or want to talk about developing material, send us an email. We love you all.
Before all of you get too excited, we're still in the early stages. HIAW, popular as it is, took several years to get to this level; hopefully, DINN will be go from zero to 60 in less time, but it will still take time. So, if you make left media, throw us a link. If you know someone who makes left media, email them about it. If you have material you think would fit in or want to talk about developing material, send us an email. We love you all.
for your favorite docus, u didnt include:
panama deception (which i find offensive), amandla, fourth world war (or any other altglobalization movement movie), palante! the story of the young lords, any of the docus on the Black Panthers or Malcolm X, enough barb koppel, bowling for columbine (which was superior to fahrenheit 911), the more recent boring zinn and chomsky docus, any of the earlier docus on the weather underground, matewan (i know, i know, but its a great fuckin movie), and there are lots of other surprising misses as well.
also, ill send you a better list of links later, but include and projects like it in your friends section
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