The war is the weapon
After McVeigh bombed the Oklahoma federal building, New York and Kansas remained unbombed. Not by McVeigh, of course. He was in prison. But the federal government went after him with a national manhunt, caught him quickly, and, once caught, gave him a trial and execution. No profiling of white males with buzzcuts. No talk about the anti-democratic nature of veteran culture. No civilian veteran war of civilization talk. He was treated as a criminal and executed.
Then, 9-11. The U.S. government bombed Afghanistan, shot up villages, deposed the government, and declared it our right. No one is going to defend the Taliban, but certainly the people who lived in Afghanistan did not commit 9-11, just as New Yorkers didn't bomb the Federal building in Oklahoma. No matter. We bombed Afghanistan. Support the troops.
Then we bombed Iraq. Iraqis had even less of a connection with 9-11. No matter that we were bombing men, women, and children. No matter that we shot up schools and organized Death Squads (aka the Salvadoran Option, which everyone should know.). No matter that we had been bombing the country every other day for a decade and had forced it to its knees. Saddam was painted as a threat. We bombed the people there, shot up families, kidnapped and tortured hundreds. It is a war on terror.
Then Katrina hit. No government support was provided for a week. Poor people were told that they were "on your own." After several days of no help, with food and water supplies falling low, people began to get food and water, for themselves, to bring back to stranded children, old people, themselves, their families and neighbors. A shoot-to-kill order was given. Private military contractors were brought in who bragged to journalists about killing people at night. Who did they kill? No one knows. Where was the oversight? There was no oversight. Who had contracted them? Rich people and the government.
Now we are told that immigration is the problem in the nation of immigrants. They say that we might be a nation of immigrants, but we are also a nation of laws and those laws must be upheld. The do not mention that those laws have killed the original people who lived here, brought in slaves and chained them to the plantation, stripped women of all rights, enforced child labor, and made political discussion a crime. No, this is not mentioned. What do they mention? They want to send the National guard done to patrol the border. They want us all pointing guns. They want the military everywhere. Because with the military everywhere, they can reduce every debate to "Do you support the troops?"
Then, 9-11. The U.S. government bombed Afghanistan, shot up villages, deposed the government, and declared it our right. No one is going to defend the Taliban, but certainly the people who lived in Afghanistan did not commit 9-11, just as New Yorkers didn't bomb the Federal building in Oklahoma. No matter. We bombed Afghanistan. Support the troops.
Then we bombed Iraq. Iraqis had even less of a connection with 9-11. No matter that we were bombing men, women, and children. No matter that we shot up schools and organized Death Squads (aka the Salvadoran Option, which everyone should know.). No matter that we had been bombing the country every other day for a decade and had forced it to its knees. Saddam was painted as a threat. We bombed the people there, shot up families, kidnapped and tortured hundreds. It is a war on terror.
Then Katrina hit. No government support was provided for a week. Poor people were told that they were "on your own." After several days of no help, with food and water supplies falling low, people began to get food and water, for themselves, to bring back to stranded children, old people, themselves, their families and neighbors. A shoot-to-kill order was given. Private military contractors were brought in who bragged to journalists about killing people at night. Who did they kill? No one knows. Where was the oversight? There was no oversight. Who had contracted them? Rich people and the government.
Now we are told that immigration is the problem in the nation of immigrants. They say that we might be a nation of immigrants, but we are also a nation of laws and those laws must be upheld. The do not mention that those laws have killed the original people who lived here, brought in slaves and chained them to the plantation, stripped women of all rights, enforced child labor, and made political discussion a crime. No, this is not mentioned. What do they mention? They want to send the National guard done to patrol the border. They want us all pointing guns. They want the military everywhere. Because with the military everywhere, they can reduce every debate to "Do you support the troops?"
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